
I created this video about Kairos, a prison ministry similar to an Acts or Emmaeus retreat  at the request of Valerie Slade who works and worships at my church, AHUMC. I can’t take credit for the powerful testimonies contained within this movie . . . credit for those go to Valerie’s husband, Chip Slade, who was on the music team of this particular retreat into a prison located near San Antonio, Texas. Chip provided me with over two hours of interview material, clips of team members speaking into his camera phone discussing the reasons why they participated in this four-day ministry. When I began editing material and putting Kairos together, the pieces fell into place so easily that I later found myself telling Valerie, “Because of the testimonies provided by Chip, this movie just seemed to make itself! Sad to say, way too much good material got left on the cutting room floor!”

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